14th century
Wafer maker that follows the compositional schemes habitual in the pieces from the mediaeval period: one of the sides has a circular scene in the middle, made up of a large fleuron flanked by a pair of cockerels, and surrounded by a decorative border of fleurs-de-lis or radial palm leaves. The other side contains, in the centre, a castle with three towers encircled by an intermediate border of lozenges and an outer epigraphic border, which contains the name of the owner of the piece: “lo son den Ramon Gavela especiaire de Perpenia”. The epigraphic borders usually contain blessings meant for those who will consume the wafers, as we can read on the wafer maker belonging to Pere de Besaucela, from La Cerdanya (MEV 7973): “Qui manga la benedicció de Deu aura”. Wafers – or large coloured Hosts – were hung from the objects that lit up the altar and the choir of churches during the Christmas and Easter holidays.
Room20 ,Floor2
18 Leather
19 Gold, Silver and Metalworking Arts
20 Forge Work
21 Ceramics
22 Study Galleries
14th century
Iron engraved and stamped with a mould
84 cm (size of plates: Ø22.5 cm)
From Gavàs (Pallars Sobirà)
MEV 4342