15th century
Casket made with a parallelepiped-shaped box and a flat lid, completely covered with sheets of horn. They contrast with the black dominating the two serrated ivory mouldings set at the edges of the lid. The box stands on four small feet in the shape of talons made of copper, material of which the corner pieces are also made (embossed with motifs of small stars) which cover the corners of the box from top to bottom. Nailed at the corners, the corner pieces have three small hemispherical copper elements that have cabochons of white glass (one) or blue glass (two) encrusted. The sides of the casket are all decorated with strips of copper semicircular in profile with small buttons nailed, similar to those described, that have cabochons of clear, blue and white glass.
Room18 ,Floor2
18 Leather
19 Gold, Silver and Metalworking Arts
20 Forge Work
21 Ceramics
22 Study Galleries
Catalonia (?)
15th century
Beech wood cut and assembled, veneered with horn with ivory applied, copper embossed and nailed and glass modelled and encrusted
11 x 19 x 17 cm
Provenance unknown
MEV 2833