
Relics container from Santa Eugènia in Berga



Around the year 1000

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This piece is just as important and poses the same questions as the glass relics container from Casserres, MEV 2286. In this case, the fig-shaped receptacle that acted as the container is a piece of clay, globular (with traces of a handle), quickly turned on the wheel and with a brown glaze, with slightly darker veining. As with the glass figshaped containers, its long neck was broken in order to be able to place the relics in it. Despite its modest nature, this piece has great archaeological importance. It is the oldest glazed pottery found in Catalonia (after Antiquity); and it also has to be borne in mind that it is an almost complete example and with a dating and area of importation easy to specify. It shows, by its simplicity, that the most important thing about these imports were the precious liquids that were brought from the Córdoba of the caliphs. The containers, in some cases, were reused liturgically, and this has meant their survival. This container was closed and used as a relics container in the mid-11th century. Like the container from Casserres, the seal of authenticity of the relics was done with the ring of the count of Besalú, Bernat Tallaferro (d. 1020) “Bernardus Comes”, showing a Roman cameo, with a virile bust. The present church of Santa Eugènia in Berga is 12th century (1173), although the earlier one must have been consecrated in the mid-11th century, by Abbot Oliba (d. 1046), who we suppose must have inherited and used the extraordinary seal of Bernat Tallaferro, his brother. This relics container must have been reused in the rebuilding, taking advantage of the seal of authenticity of the relics.

Llegir més


Room4 ,Floor0

4 Romanesque Art

5-6-7-8 Gothic Art

Detalls de l’obra




Around the year 1000


Glazed ceramic and wax


6.2 x 7.7 cm


From the church of Santa Eugènia in Berga (Osona)


MEV 9732