Around 1800
Bottle with a trumpet-shaped neck, widening to a cylindrical body, with a spherical knob for a stopper. Decoration cut in vertical facets, forming different models and with gilt decoration with a figure dressed in the fashion of the Empire period, between tree branches and illusionist buildings in the Rococo style. This type of bottle was made at various French or Bohemian factories and in this way models that enjoyed international distribution were consolidated. The arrival of several families of French and Central-European glassmakers at the La Granja factory, from its beginnings in the mid-18th century, led to the adoption of different forms and European decorative styles, following the fashions and uses of the French aristocratic taste, the most widely imitated, and not just in the creation of glass and crystal objects. For this reason some of its wares have clear parallels with glassware produced in different European countries, the result of the internationalization of fashions.
Room17 ,Floor1
9-10-11 Gothic Art
12-13-14 Renaissance
15-16 Textiles and Clothing
17 Glass
Probably from the Real Fábrica de Vidrio y Cristal de la Granja. La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia)
Around 1800
Crystal mould-blown, cut and gilded
24.1 x Ø7.8 cm
Provenance unknown
MEV 8851