18th century
Prismatic flask with chamfered corners, with enamelled decoration featuring a female figure surrounded by floral motifs and spirals. This type of object was made principally in Bohemia and was exported all over Europe and America. In this country a large number of examples has been conserved, a fact that corroborates the great numbers produced. They were used to contain eau de cologne or spirits, and are the most popular and everyday types of the Bohemian models, unlike the products made of cut, engraved or gilt crystal with functions of a more representative nature and of a marked aristocratic taste.
Room17 ,Floor1
9-10-11 Gothic Art
12-13-14 Renaissance
15-16 Textiles and Clothing
17 Glass
18th century
Mould-blown and enamelled glass
13.4 x 6.4 x 5 cm
Provenance unknown
MEV 2804