Second half of the 12th century
In Catalonia the veneration of the Virgin spread in a very generalised manner from the second half of the 12th century onwards thanks in large measure to popular devotion and the Cistercian monks' great work of dissemination. The oldest Romanesque Virgins, like this one from the monastery of Lluçà, are portrayed according to the iconographical model of Byzantine origin known as 'Maiestas Mariae' or 'Sedes Sapientiae' (Throne of Wisdom). According to this iconographical model the figure of the Virgin acts basically as a throne for the child Jesus, now lost, who was originally sitting right in the middle of his Mother's lap. The large size of this carving is due to it coming from a Marian monastery, in this case Santa Maria in Lluçà, where in about 1160 an Augustine canonry was established, a date that may coincide with the moment this sculpture was carved.
Room4 ,Floor0
4 Romanesque Art
5-6-7-8 Gothic Art
Vic workshops
Second half of the 12th century
Walnut wood with traces of polychromy
96 x 35 x 35 cm
From the monastery of Santa Maria in Lluçà (Osona)
MEV 1958